Point + Shoot: Greenwich and creating and Artic Small Play World

On Saturday Chloe’s grandma came round from up North.


We celebrated her 60th birthday picnic-ing cake on a boat to Greenwich.

Chloe dug in while they were still putting the candles on.


We walked around in Greenwich and I really loved the art and craft market there, with great looking food stalls, However I would avoid it with a buggy as restarting on cobbles is hard work and there are tons of people there!  We walked around the university and it’s gardens which was lovely as from all it’s rooms you could hear musicians practising. IMG_4066

On Sunday Chloe and I went to Church and at Junior church she coloured this drawing,

I was so proud, it was the first time I had seen her colouring in with so much precision.


We then went on to killing spending some time in town and both art supplies to create a Small World Scene for our new beloved Schleich Polar Bear Figure
and Penguins.

Once home we took a book of my pre-schooler science library from when I was young and talked about the Artic, Icebergs, Polar Bears, Penguins etc.

Schleich Polar bears artic small play world

Chloe loved it! We started crafting a small play Artic world with our Fimo Air-Dry Clay . First making a card board base, which we then covered with white clay. Chloe help smoothing the surfaces. I can’t wait for it to dry out and to start painting it!

Crafting an Artic Iceberg for small play world

I had also purchased Polystyrene balls which we cut in half and covered in clay to make Igloo’s.

Note to self: ‘first put foil in between so you can separate clay and mould later on!’

Fimo air dry clay

We also made some foot prints in the clay, that we can also paint over once dry. I am so looking forward in continuing with this! It was sooo lovely to spend time with the little one!


One response to “Point + Shoot: Greenwich and creating and Artic Small Play World

  1. Those little Schleich figures are gorgeous aren’t they, and perfect for small world play. Glad you and Chloe had such a good weekend together.

    Thanks for linking up with Point + Shoot xx


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